Senryu is a Japanese unrhymed poetic form that consists of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Senryu’s poetic form is structurally like haiku but instead of addressing physical nature, it addresses human nature. Like haiku, the traditional 5/7/5 syllable sequence has given way to a less formal poem. You may see additional or fewer syllables which is acceptable if the human nature aspect of the poem is intact.
- Pastel Colors
- Partial To Purple
- Alone On A Shelf
- Memories Do Fade
- You Spun A Story
- On A Nature Walk
- Introspection
- Austere Window Frame
- Estate Patio
- Out Walking His Dog
- Like A Human Hand
- At The Playground
- After A Long Walk
- A Memoriam
- Feeling Nostalgic
- Provocative Words
- Symbiotic Bond
- Closer and Closer
- Girl On A Bench
- In The Hereafter
- Midnight Seance
- Orange Orb
- Masked Ball Gathering
- In Times Of Need
- A Year Of Struggle
- Dreamt I Was Dead
- Studying Your Face
- After A Long Cry
- Carousel Horse
- Fiddle Out Of Tune
- Ancient History
- Book Lacks An Ending
- Chic Mannequin
- Longer Days And Nights
- Old Photos Found
- In The Cosmos